Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are restorative procedures used to repair damaged or decayed teeth when a traditional filling may not be sufficient, providing a more extensive and durable solution.

Reasons for Dental Inlays and Onlays:

These restorations are employed when a tooth has moderate damage or decay that doesn't require a full dental crown. Inlays are placed within the cusps (points) of the tooth, while onlays extend over one or more cusps. They offer a conservative approach, preserving more natural tooth structure than a crown while providing strength and protection.

Procedure involves the following steps:

1. Assessment of tooth:

The dentist begins by examining the tooth and determining the extent of damage or decay. X-rays may be taken to assess the internal structure.

2. Tooth Preparation:

The damaged or decayed portion of the tooth is removed, creating a clean and stable foundation for the inlay or onlay.

3. Impressions:

Impressions of the prepared tooth are taken. These impressions serve as a model for crafting a custom inlay or onlay that fits precisely.

4. Temporary Restoration (if needed):

While the permanent restoration is being fabricated in a dental laboratory, a temporary filling may be placed to protect the tooth.

5. Custom Fabrication:

The inlay or onlay is created in the dental laboratory based on the impressions. It is typically made from materials like porcelain, composite resin, or gold.

6. Fitting and Bonding:

Once the permanent restoration is ready, it is fitted onto the prepared tooth. The dentist ensures proper fit, bite, and aesthetics before bonding it securely in place.

7. Final Adjustments:

Any necessary adjustments are made to ensure comfort and functionality. The restoration is polished for a natural appearance.

Dental inlays and onlays provide a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for restoring teeth with moderate damage, offering a conservative alternative to full crowns. Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring the restoration's condition and maintaining overall oral health.

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