Dental Hygiene

Hygienist in Basingstoke

A dental hygienist in Basingstoke is a licensed and skilled dental professional who offers teeth cleanings and oral hygiene education to patients to help them maintain good oral health and dental hygiene. Hygienist perform dental cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of teeth by using their special instruments. These dental cleanings help people to prevent themselves from cavities and gum diseases. If these gum disease are untreated or the treatment gets delayed then it can cause gums to recede and result in your tooth loss. Thus, visiting a hygienist will ensure you teeth and gums are in the healthy state.

Can I see a hygienist without seeing a dentist?

You can book an appointment with a dental hygienist directly without visiting a dentist first. A dental hygienist has speciality in preventive oral care such as dental cleanings and gum health assessment. So whenever you are concern about oral hygiene, or dental cleanings schedule an appointment with a hygienist. An appointment at the hygienist in Basingstoke generally may take up to 30 minutes of time. The frequency of visits depends on your individual needs. It is recommended to visit a dental hygienist twice every year for optimal preventive care. Moreover, a dental hygienist is also the right person to guide you for the right oral hygiene treatment plan.

Scale & Polish

Dental hygienist does scale and polish to remove plaque, tartar, and stains from the surface of teeth. Hygienist uses specialized instruments for the removal of deposits of plaque and tartar from teeth without any pain and harm. An ultrasonic scaler uses vibrations to dislodge the tartar sticking between the spaces of teeth. Then water spray is used to gently wash away the debris. 

After scaling, hygienist does the polishing to make the surface of teeth shiny and smooth after removing the stains. A spinning soft rubber cup is used to do the polishing. This cup is filled with a material known as prophylaxis paste is spun around the teeth to make them smooth. Another method of polishing is Prophy-Jet polishing that uses pressurized spray of air and water with abrasive powder to clean the teeth.

Our Payment Plans

Many of our patients pay for their treatment through a monthly dental payment plan arranged for them by practice plan and Denplan, the UK’s leading dental payment plan specialists. It helps patients budget for their routine dental care and treatment by making regular monthly payments. This payment plan provides for your routine preventive dental care and you pay for restorative treatment as you need it. It is easy to set up and no pre-assessment is necessary.

It includes:

  • Dental check-ups
  • 15 % off any private treatment needed
  • Dental Hygienist Appointment

Supplementary Insurance is arranged by Denplan, which provides you with worldwide dental injury and dental emergency coverage and access to Denplan’s 24-hour Worldwide Dental Emergency Helpline. This payment plan provides for the majority of dental treatment to maintain your dental health. A dental assessment is made so that the price you pay is dependent on the ‘health’ of your mouth. It includes the following treatment, when clinically necessary and where carried out at the practice by your registered dentist:

  • Dental check-ups
  • Hygiene appointments
  • Dental x-rays
  • Fillings
  • Preventative dental advice and therapy
  • Extractions
  • Periodontal (gum) treatment
  • Crowns, bridges, dentures, inlays(excluding laboratory fees)

Supplementary Insurance arranged by Denplan, which provides you with worldwide dental injury and dental emergency coverage and access to Denplan’s 24-hour Worldwide Dental Emergency Helpline

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